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When and Where
  • 3/12/2025 12:00 PM MDT
  • 3/19/2025 1:30 PM MDT
  • Zoom link will be emailed the day prior to those who have registered for this event.

2025 STARS Act - Integration at a Local Leval

Adapting your CBA to be in compliance with the STARS Act


Wednesday, March 12, 2025 – Noon – 1:30 pm via Zoom


Join MTSBA as we present an overview of the STARS Act, the basic requirements of collective bargaining, guidance on proceeding with contract language, MOU and matrix revisions.


No fee for members who are part of the Labor Relations Maintenance Program. $150 fee for those who are not part of this program.


Disclaimer: Montana School Boards Association (MTSBA) has designed these materials to provide helpful information regarding topics and best practices on issues concerning the administration and governance of Montana K-12 public schools. These materials are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. MTSBA does not intend nor should these materials be construed to constitute the rendering of any legal advice. Should the recipient of these materials desire legal advice on any of the topics or information contained herein, MTSBA recommends that the recipient make a specific request for legal advice. -